I have been reading how our human cells are outnumbered by bacterial cells in our bodies by 10 to 1. We are in essence scaffolding for a zoo of bacteria... such an interesting filter through which to examine our identity as organisms.
Here is an interesting Youtube video on the HMP project: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfeNTQxxn0w
I enjoy following Australian artist, Jonathan McCabe's generative pattern work on both Flickr and Spoonflower, the most recent of which has a very cellular and bacterial reference.
I will be exploring creating a textile series, Human Flora, that reflects on various facets of our relationship with the organisms we host.
Of course, I knew that there would be art already out there exploring these themes. I especially liked this one using petri dishes and images of bacteria to form a human body: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisjohnbeckett/3290581741/in/photostream/

And finally, here is an amazing image contest by the Wellcome Image Trust